as much as i hate money-politics, vote-rigging and absolute power of any governments, i have to admit, i have failed. i have succumbed to the dark side. i have made my desire above all that matters...

remember the poll i posted not a few days ago?

i have denied the majority and jointly-decided with uShop to put 'sepurnama berGelandangan' as our travelogue title. i have used my veto to quiet your voices/polls and neglected the popular choice.

so be it!

why do we pick this title? 'sepurnama' means a period of 1 month. 'bergelandangan' means a hobo. so the title collectively means 'we are going away for a month as hobos with the sole destination - home'.

for our travelogue URL, i'll tell u later. or maybe you can search for yourself.

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