it's just a word u cannot play with. the meaning is so profound, it's probably next to sacred if not holy.
u don't joke with it. as the female gender can be touched with it, the opposite sex can too. after all, males are also human, with feelings and emotions.
so strong the word is, either it is a potent binder of two hearts, it can act as repellent as well.
it's not a toy a boy can play on a girl, or vice versa. it is meant for responsible adult use only. well, in some cases kids do use the word for their parents. in that case, it is appropriate.
if the word comes in a box, on the box should be written 'HANDLE WITH CARE'.
for those who misuse the word for some petty, unruly desires, let's hope Allah have mercy on his/her soul.
what word am i talking about?

it is LOVE/SAYANG...[
i like d bahasa version of it because it sounded more aesthetic rather than 'cinta' which sounded more commercial]

*pic taken from d net*

and as for you, whom i find so desperate keen to use the word, do read this/click here

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