reading thru, one can stumble upon many comments, some if not most quite emotional. usually when the issue touches the government policies, ministers, religion, corruption and recently pig-farming. emotional comments will also include vulgar words. but commenters with pseudonyms try to be as decent as they can without losing the 'sting' inside their commentaries. for that, these people have brushed their creativity by coming up with 'subtle' words and appear more civilized.

F word modifications include
  • fark
  • fcuk [looks like a typo or a clothes brand]
  • fook
  • fukk
  • farce [the newest one i found a few days back]
funny eh?

also some subscribe to the use of the word 'cock'. it does not refer to the male genitalia, rather the people over there use it as a short term of 'talking cock and bull'. example being 'stop talking cock'. full stop. yes, i myself first thought about the word referring to the 'burung' but after a few times reading malaysia-today, i got the picture.

it's good to read articles written by the people over there. their english is very good, with some added the malaysian flavour.

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