little boxes,
on the hillside,
little boxes made of ticky-tacky,
little boxes on the hillside,
little boxes all the same

there's a green one,
and a pink one,
and a blue one,
and a yellow one,
and they're all made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same

and the people,
in the houses,
all went to the universities,
where they were
put in boxes and came out all the same

and there's doctors,
and lawyers,
and business executives
and they were all made of ticky tacky
and they all look just the same...

a song by Malvina Reynolds which became the montage song for the series 'Weeds'.

trimas buat bhaiya yg bg kitorg siri ni utk dilayan sementara belum mula berjalan ni.

siri yg penuh dgn kebejatan akhlak, sifar nilai murni, keruntuhan sistem sosial dan tiada langsung nilai beragama.

dlm pada itu, siri ni penuh dgn nilai2 pendidikan bagaimana untuk mengedar ganja, menanam ganja, menyara hidup dgn menjual ganja dan menyusun struktur kongsi gelap untuk melindungi perniagaan ganja.

a light watch FOR ADULTS ONLY! :D

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