i cant get enuff of d fries!!!
super size me is an independent documentary written and directed by morgan spurlock. made in 2004, it is an effort to show wut actually McD can do to our body if taken 3times a day, for a whole month.it started wit giving a few intros abt d fast food business in d US [especially McD], their outlets around the world, their everyday profit and so on. d director also took an account of how fat AMERICANS are. they got that fat due to their MALNUTRITION. yeah, dis term applies not to underfeeding but to overfeeding also. haha, who says developed countries dont experience this kind of problem?
so, after doing some medical check up wit 3 different doctors in different specialties and a round of consult wit a nutritionist he startd his crazy diet of McBreakfast, McLunch n McDinner. all wit 'super size' if he is asked to.
during his McD diet for the whole month, he ventured all across america to meet different ppl wit their unique stories pertaining to the issue. he met the professors, state surgeons, govt officials,lawyers, school children, teachers and spokesperson of the fast food industry.
in one of the stats shown, the McD corporation invested a couple of billion USD for their ads and he compared it wit the efforts made by the govt of US to promote healthy eating comprising of a shy few hundred thousand dollars. as if he was saying to the US govt, "now try and beat that!!"
the McD [and snacks products] ads were so powerful even they have uncle McD clown in d cartoons, tv shows, free toys and kiddie playgrounds in their outlets. the american nation even knew by-heart the lyrics of McD in d commercials rather the 'pledge of allegiance to the American flag'. and the preschool kids recognized the clown in red-and-yellow and shook their heads when shown the alleged pic of 'Jesus Christ'. ouch!!
at the end of the 'heavenly McD diet' month, he ended up with a case of liver dystrophy, hyperlipidemia, increased weight, intoxication [yeah, McD contains a substance wit 'drug-like' effect. believe me!] and decreased sexual performance due to degraded stamina [oh no!!].
for me, dis is a good exposure of the unwanted effects of consuming too much McD. true, no one shud begin wit around-d-clock McD diet. once or twice shud be ok rite?
a percentage of dietitian contacted by Morgan proclaimed that a person shud not even touch the 'delicious poison'.
other than some quite lack of wittiness in his presentation, i think dis is a good documentary to be watched.
Comment by Tanpa Nama on 30 Disember 2007 pada 1:22 PG
skaliskale pun xbleh ke? huhu but i LoOOOOOve McD..
tp msia pnye version mcD ok kot..sbb ada bubur ayam..manade mcD kt negara lain ada bbur ayam (im in denial) hehehehe
Comment by djambu puadovich on 30 Disember 2007 pada 11:22 PG
haha...xtau a..looks like d next experimenter is gonna be me la...yehoo, kcik support McD tiap2 hr buleh?
Comment by Tanpa Nama on 19 Januari 2008 pada 4:55 PG
oh tidak..bukankah wan da cukup gemoddd?? hahaaha
Comment by djambu puadovich on 19 Januari 2008 pada 8:32 PG
adakah wan gemodd?? kah kah kah...gemod2 pun, masih ada ciri2 kedjambuan...kwang3
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