tahun baru?
tahun baru aku gile bosan nak maut nye...
nk tau sbb pe?
sbb aku stuck sorg2 kat bilik.
dak2 ni gi mane?
usop=budapest, warsaw dan prague
irma=prague, warsaw dan budapest
kodok=warsaw, prague dan budapest
linda=budapest, prague dan warsaw
salihin=ada kat bilik bhaiya, download Bleach [anime Jepun]
bila dah sorg2, ni la keje aku:
bukan surf internet...
tapi mengerjakan kamera aku sambil pinjam tripod salihin...sebelum tido, gosok gigi...selamat malam...
selamat Tahun Baru 2008...
Video:The Dawn of A New Malaysia
6 tahun yang lalu
Comment by Jollyhappy on 1 Januari 2008 pada 8:38 PTG
Wa!! U think u very handsome/macho is it? Hahaha!!! So many 'bergaya' poses. Hmm..interesting view of ur study place, seems cosy...but the toilet doesn't look favourable. BTW, why do u have crutches in ur room?
(see...I made the effort to check it out ;P)
Comment by djambu puadovich on 1 Januari 2008 pada 10:35 PTG
haha...of course la i am very d hensem...dun be jeles ok? haha...
let d toilet b unfavourable la lest u wanna sleep n cook n eat in it...hehe...crutches are my friend's. he had an accident while playing last year...had cast too...
thanx for ur effort...very appreciated
Comment by Sarah Mohd Shukor on 3 Januari 2008 pada 5:22 PG
salam yoep.
tak tahan nengok byk sgt gmbo2nye tu :p
Comment by djambu puadovich on 3 Januari 2008 pada 11:00 PG
gamba byk sgt tanda bosan xda buat ape...huhu...alang2 dah ada kamera tu...ape lagi...:D
Comment by sephia on 14 April 2009 pada 8:13 PG
wonder if you look like this while you're online with .....?
Comment by djambu puadovich on 14 April 2009 pada 12:31 PTG
klo online dgn org 'tu', muka akan tersenyum2 riang gembira :) hehe
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