"what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"
a common saying we can find in motivational talks, notebooks of students in their exam period, on the mirror of a girl on diet, on a sick patient's desk or in a politician's diary. it's an expression, basically meaning 'some obstacles will challenge your progress, but if you succeed, you will emerge a better person'.

i was enlightened to write this note to explain some common misconceptions towards martial arts and their practitioners. i've encountered some people asking, belittling and some went to the extent of discouraging the practice of martial arts. so, i hope these pieces of my mind would answer their enquiry and make things clear for them why some people are keen in learning these self-defense arts.
first of all, the questions went somewhat like this:
- why do you learn it in the first place?
- it is painful, right, doing all those acrobats?
- what else do you get other than bruises and broken bones?
- if i knew my brother/son/cousin is involved in such self-torturing acts, i would have stopped him...
i would like to draw the attention first to the psychology of the human mind. the human mind has the components called 'drive', 'instinct', 'need' and 'desire'. to explain all of this would require quite a long page. let's just keep this short. these components are essential to the human being's existence as they keep the human race in a constant struggle to survive and maintain their species. also, using these components, the human mind is able to set a 'goal' to achieve and bear the hardships of reaching that particular 'goal'.
now, let us take the similitude of a girl on a diet program. she has the 'desire' to look good or maybe she has the 'need' to attract a boy. this is a normal 'instinct' for a human being [as to maintain the human species, i might say]. and to look good, she is 'driven' to exclude some of her favourite food from her menu. this is the point of a diet program. to not to eat according to your heart's wishes and thus obtaining the ideal weight and measurements. to say the least, enduring appetite restraints and to some point, hunger, is a part and parcel of a diet program. a question like 'why does she stop eating such and such?' would be considered stupid because we all know what is required in a diet program.
same goes to learning martial arts. i don't think i need to re-explain the components of the mind again, rather i would explain why the obstacles are endured.

the self-torture acts [as some might see it] are the parts and parcels of learning martial arts/self-defense. you can't expect to learn these arts without experiencing some bit of pain. now it comes to 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger'. a sprained ankle, dislocated shoulder, cut knee, back pain [which i am experiencing now] is just part of the learning process. better to get hurt in the gelanggang/gym/dojo/ring and learn something than get hurt on the streets and be sorry.*
i remembered a point given to me from my silat trainers. the saying goes like this:
"biar rasa sakit masa belajar, supaya kita tahu bagaimana rasanya dan tak buat sesuka hati pada orang...**"
meaning "bear some pain during training so that we can know the feeling and not apply it ignorantly on undeserving people..."
now that is a lesson of humility inculcated in silat. i think all other martial artists will agree.
i think my answers are enough to satisfy the questions above.
p.s: *quote taken from ushop during coming home from RB practice. **quote from SCH training in UIAPJ, can't remember whether it's bro atuk or bro hafiz...missed those guys

same goes to learning martial arts. i don't think i need to re-explain the components of the mind again, rather i would explain why the obstacles are endured.

the self-torture acts [as some might see it] are the parts and parcels of learning martial arts/self-defense. you can't expect to learn these arts without experiencing some bit of pain. now it comes to 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger'. a sprained ankle, dislocated shoulder, cut knee, back pain [which i am experiencing now] is just part of the learning process. better to get hurt in the gelanggang/gym/dojo/ring and learn something than get hurt on the streets and be sorry.*
i remembered a point given to me from my silat trainers. the saying goes like this:
"biar rasa sakit masa belajar, supaya kita tahu bagaimana rasanya dan tak buat sesuka hati pada orang...**"
meaning "bear some pain during training so that we can know the feeling and not apply it ignorantly on undeserving people..."
now that is a lesson of humility inculcated in silat. i think all other martial artists will agree.
i think my answers are enough to satisfy the questions above.
p.s: *quote taken from ushop during coming home from RB practice. **quote from SCH training in UIAPJ, can't remember whether it's bro atuk or bro hafiz...missed those guys
Comment by uShop on 1 Mac 2008 pada 9:30 PG
kate gadis 1;
hish org tu tumbuk bebetol ke, sakitnye, xmau la bg adik aku join lg, sian die...
kate gadis 2;
xmau la bg anak aku nnti blaja, nnti die g begadoh plak...
kate pemude 1;
ala buat letih je blaja sampai sakit2 badan, betumbuk tu sume same je...
bagus entry ni yeop, bg org2 kat atas tu bace, BIAR PAHAM SKET!!
(ko tau kn sape diorg tu)
p/s; bile mak aku tanye cmne latihan, aku jawab dh hilang 4 kilo, satu lutut, n sebelah bahu=p
(mak aku gelak je=ibu yg paham)
Comment by Tanpa Nama on 1 Mac 2008 pada 1:02 PTG
hurm~ interesting entry and comment..bile bace kn, agak terase aar...cam terkene batang hidung sendiri...hehe...[physically hurt can be cured and it can heal, but emotionally and mentally hurt...what would u do as doctor if u were to have a patient like that?? hehe..]
tp thinking about it, what ure saying is not wrong, malah betul la kn...mmg ade this kind of people [which includes me] yg tgk seni mempertahankn diri ni sbgi sesuatu yg menyakitkn..[it is, right?]
and i think it's a good thing la the fact that u and ur friends are trying to clear the rumours being said about martial arts by posting entries like this in the blog.. and zue fhm la knp korg cam nk emo bile org ckp bad things about martial arts especially bile it is something that u practice kn...it is perfectly understandable..
tp at the same time, korg kene consider jgk knp dorg ckp camtu... i mean, bukannye sume org fhm the beauty of martial arts..and not everyone is able to appreciate its beauty...and i think u should respect their views...u see, everybody's different and of course their views and ways of thinking pun mesti la different kn??
and, kdg2 krg kene consider jgk their physical capability..bukannye sume org ade ability tu..and mnde2 ni mebi telah mencorakkn cara pemikiran dorg...contohnye some parents kn..xkn la dorg nk kasi anak dorg yg x bape nk sihat join martial art even if the son or daughter really wants it..kn? n bnde tu lame2 mnybbkn si anak tu pk yg martial arts ni x best...
mmg la salah utk berfikir camtu..tp u cant blame them sbb itu cara dorg dibesarkn...and, sbb tu la the world of martial arts need people like u n friends...defend it and show the beauty of it to the world..u know, make it as a motivation for u to be better and practice it proudly..then, maybe people will respect the art better..and their views will also change..
and i also think that it is ok to know people's views...biar la dorg nk ckp ape pun..sbb what they say makes u think kn...take what they say as a positive thing...u know, tho people say bad things or comment negatively about something u like, take it as a constructive comments [tho their intention might not be like that...]
so, yeah..people are different, my dear yeop...respect them and they might respect u back..im sure u know that kn?? hehe..
oklaa...dh byk sgt ni..xtau la ape yg zue mngarut kt atas tu sbnrnye..klu x fhm tu, buat2 la fhm ek?? haha...
wishing u luck in defending the
world of martial arts...:)
may Allah be with u in making it a reality [u know, changing other people's views]...
Comment by djambu puadovich on 2 Mac 2008 pada 8:55 PG
to ushop,
y 4 kilo tu biar hilang, yg bahu n lutut tu lame2 dpt a balik kot...:)
to zue,
thanx for ur komen. dh edit balik semula entry tu :)sori for all d inappropriate words used
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