i've read this book by sidney sheldon, titled 'tell me your dreams'.

it's the first novel by sidney sheldon i've read albeit i've heard that the name is quite a famous writer. and believe me, i always thought of him as a 'her'. this is bcoz i saw his novels on my sis's shelf and i thought that my sister reads female stuffs from female writers. huhu...how wrong i was.

it's a story about a lady with 'multiple-personality-disorder'. she didn't know she had d problem until her other 'selfs' started killing guys around her. she was terrified and thought of a stalker spying on her activities and her relationships. it became a police case and the police had no idea that it was her bcoz she was the one reporting abt all d incidences.

the story goes to the court cases with her lawyer trying to prove her case telling that she is innocent because she is sick and needed medical/psychiatrical attention. also some stories about the lawyer owing some gratitude to the lady's father. the lady's father was a doctor who saved the lawyer's mother's life a few years back.

the story is quite simple with a few technical terms of medicine and court. i managed to finish the book in one whole day. the book is supposed to be exciting and thrilling due to the 'multiple-personality' thing trying to make the lady look innocent inspite of the gory murders, but my friends' 'kindness' by telling me the ending, took out the suspense. huuu...

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