one thing i learned after being here for about 5 years, if it's bright but foggy in the mornings, afternoon would be warm. so don't bother putting thick clothes while going out to class bcoz u won't be comfortable on the way back. this applies in the late fall periods. now is already winter and the weather is now stabilizing and sometimes it rains...and ur shoes will be ruined by mud and puddles...
Video:The Dawn of A New Malaysia
6 tahun yang lalu
Comment by uShop on 21 Januari 2009 pada 7:10 PTG
huh. penat x abes Aku ngan cuace odessa ni. cmne la leh winter xde salji plak tahun ni wei!!
emm jarak penglihatan tu Aku rase dekat lagi ar..gile tebai kabus harini...
Comment by djambu puadovich on 22 Januari 2009 pada 9:24 PG
ok la tu, winter xda salji...aku pun dah penat dah salji2 ni...semput kalo nk bjalan...
aku anggar jarak penglihatan dgn mata Spiderman aku...tu yg dpt 1.5 km tu. wahahaha!!!
Comment by Tanpa Nama on 23 Januari 2009 pada 8:59 PG
penat x abes mata moon cube menembusi radius dlm x berjaye..kah3
Comment by djambu puadovich on 23 Januari 2009 pada 9:04 PG
tu dah ckp...kne gune mate Spiderman...kalo ada mata Cyclops lg bagus :P kui3
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