REd tagged me yet again...since i'm such a nice guy, i'll juz do wut she said...
1) Do you think you're hot?
i myself personally don't but he does. who am i to disagree...[not only he, but someone else also...*wink2*] haha
2) Upload your favorite picture of you!
3) Why do you like that picture?
because somebody said dat pic of me is GOOD LOOKING. haha. also dat pic sparked a furore in my friendster's account. so i must be THAT good looking! haha
4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
last week. refer here
thanks to the ppl who prepared d pizzas ;)
5) The last song you listened to?
4 minutes by timbaland, justin timberlake n madonna. don't bother asking why i listened to that song, it was in my friend's playlist. i don't usually listen to songs. i think i have repeated this many times...
6) What are you doing right now besides this?
IM-ing with a friend of a friend who will be going overseas, and wiping my nose coz it's freezing cold outside, i'm catching a flu...
7) What name would you prefer besides yours?
well...i have a number of names. some call me brad, as in brad pitt. some call me tobey maguire.
i don't prefer any other names. mine is good enough :)
People To Tag
- ibnussabeel
- khai
- naddy
- fye
- anybody
8) Who is number one?
my bro. a warak guy. ustaz-soldier wannabe. but i doubt he'll be doing this. he's in school. but if u're reading this bro, u must do it!
9) Number three is having a relationship with?
no one i assume. she had a bad case wit a boy a few months back, doubt she has a new one now.
10) Say something about number five?
feel free to do this tag...
11) How about number four?
she's complicated. no more comments :P
12) Who is number two?
a friend of number 3
there! i've finished it.
p/s: i really don't care much about my appearance, so it actually doesn't matter to me if ppl say i'm hot or not. compliments are always welcome :) i do smell nice though. haha!
Comment by uShop on 6 Januari 2009 pada 12:04 PG
smell nice? huahaha apekah keperluan nk sebut disitu?
same2 [4 de pittzah]<--versi budak skolah ngengade.paham2 je lor
Comment by djambu puadovich on 6 Januari 2009 pada 12:10 PG
haha. xda keperluan apa. saje2 je, kot2 la ada org yg nk dok rapat2 dgn aku kn...
satu je:
agagagagagaga~~ :P
Comment by Sarah Mohd Shukor on 6 Januari 2009 pada 12:18 PG
"Guys with glasses are hot"
Nice quote u have there Yeop! Saya suka lelaki pakai spect jugak. Huhu.
You don't have to be super smart by appearance to look hot. But the way you carry yourself, as in you behave well, feed your brain full enough and speak with manner, those can tell people whether you're hot or not.
If there are girls out there who drool for good looking hot guys, oh, I beg them to differ. Hehe.
Comment by Tanpa Nama on 6 Januari 2009 pada 12:51 PTG
heyyy! no. 3 is having a relationship with tobey maguire laa.
Comment by redSeptember on 6 Januari 2009 pada 1:39 PTG
REd kasi homework maa... kanke djambu tengah cuti ni. kang kalau bosan, nak menceceh pulak. ni kasi kerja la sket :P
gila comel poster tu, mana dapat?
ahaks! kantoi lagi buat kali ke-seratus tujuh puluh dua. sah ada scandal tu heheheh
Comment by uShop on 6 Januari 2009 pada 1:56 PTG
Aku nampak perkataan scandal!!
Aku suka sama itu perkataan.
agaggaga [eja betoi2 no~]
akan wat tag Red ni arini jugak :P
Comment by djambu puadovich on 6 Januari 2009 pada 2:19 PTG
@ sarah,
well, well...lama xnampak sarah dtg sini. thanx for stopping by.
sgt terharu dgn pengakuan sarah yg suka lelaki berkacamata. hehe
*akan mengambil kata2 sarah sbg panduan*
akan tetapi,
jika ada pria2 di luar sana yg terliur dgn gadis2 menggiur, oh, sy akan turut mencebur...:D keh keh keh
@ wonder woman,
wonder woman ni ada upaya psikik ke? hehehehe. bahaya sungguh!
@ REd,
poster tu ada secret admirer bagi. dia mintak utk kekal tanpa nama setakat ni.
kantoi kali ke 172 ke? xtau pulak red kira benda ni. sah ada skandal?
ungkapan tu mcm "kebarangkalian yag pasti". haha
@ usHop,
hah! ko jgn nk bersekongkol dgn REd utk menskandalkan aku. kita ada skandal yg lagi besar nk diskusi mlm ni.
kukikukikuki monster~~ [dianggap kelakar oleh seseorang...padahal lemau jek]
Comment by Sarah Mohd Shukor on 7 Januari 2009 pada 1:08 PG
Hari tu kan blog saya hilang abis semua link. Saya pulak malas nak update kan link. Bila ada masa, baru saya cari semula sikit-sikit. Insya Allah lepas ni kalau ada masa sampai la lagi saya kat sini.
p/s: Tapi saya ni final year. Kena la sedar diri sikit. Eh tak. Sedar diri banyak. Haha. Yeop, puasa 10 Muharram jom. Davai.
Comment by uShop on 9 Januari 2009 pada 12:15 PG
Aku pulak nk sekongkol ngan Red.
skandal ko, ade Aku kesah [versi li*da].
uhuh. bab ni la yg Aku suka kalo sikit2 kene tinggal ni. diskusi skandal terang terangan!! mari!!!
Comment by Asyima Binti Dollah on 14 Januari 2009 pada 1:38 PTG
"Guys with glasses are hot"
Comment by djambu puadovich on 14 Januari 2009 pada 2:19 PTG
@ sarah,
terima kasih sbb dah linkkan sy balik ke blog sarah. sorila, hr tu xberdaya nak pose 10muharram...
@ ushop,
biarla skandal kita menjadi rahsia...kah3!
@ asyima,
it's the definite truth. haha!
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